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The God of Israel has spoken;
    the Rock of Israel has talked to me.
“When one is governing men justly,
    he fears God while governing.
He is like dawn’s first[a] light,
    like bright sun blazing on a cloudless morning,
        glistening on grassland that flourishes after a rain shower.

Is not my dynasty[b] like this with God?
    Has he not made an eternal covenant with me,
        preparing every detail of it?
And he has made it secure,
    including my complete[c] salvation, has he not?
He has been of continual [d] help, has he not,
    even with respect to all of my desires?

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  1. 2 Samuel 23:4 The Heb. lacks first
  2. 2 Samuel 23:5 Lit. house
  3. 2 Samuel 23:5 Lit. including all of my
  4. 2 Samuel 23:5 Lit. He has been all